The womb at the center of creation is why women all over the world are considered sacred. This womb at the center of the universe is where we get all of our things that we live with each day, including our original instructions. It was not something we invented over time. It’s something given to us, the original instructions were identical all over the world. Women have identical energy fields to the womb at the center of the universe. So when they get together in sisterhood, they have the capacity to clear out years of intergenerational trauma. And can do so very quickly, whereas men take upwards of a lifetime to get to something we need to heal. Once women do that, they focus their energy ceremonially in creating that same energetic space. That same field of great awareness outside of themselves. Then something new will be birthed. Until that happens, there is nothing new in the world that will be created. Nothing.
— Ilarion Mercullief, Aleute elder (Alaska Native)

Women’s Healing

These healing sessions are dedicated to the healing of the female body and soul.  The time, held in ceremony, may include story, song, body wrapping, drumming, rattling, smudge, energy work, dreamwork, shamanic healing methods, blessings and prayer. 

The reasons for healing are as diverse as the women and wombs who’ve lived them. Here are some of the reasons women come for healing sessions:

  • Integration and closing after childbirth

  • Processing of challenging birthing and mothering experiences

  • Honoring and integrating abortion or miscarriage

  • Menstrual challenges, pelvic discomfort or infertility

  • Healing of matrilineal epigenetic feminine patterns

  • Reclaiming after abuse or loss of power

  • Reconnecting to the feminine energy within

  • Learning/remembering how to integrate womb honoring practices into our lives and self-care

The female soul is programmed for companionship, she is not meant to live in isolation. At its very core, the Yin energy of creation, associated with the feminine, is about connection – we are meant to be on the journey together. This isolation is one of the primary tools that maintains a patriarchy, as we need each other to understand the nature of our own journeys, and to harvest and grow power and wisdom from our life experiences.

The female soul craves sacred space - the space to be seen, to be heard, to be witnessed, to be blessed, to be honored, to inter-be with.

Much of my work with women is about restoring this connection. The chance to sit with and be with all that has been experienced, endured and survived is in and of itself - healing. Archetypally and energetically, the womb holds the histories of our female stories. The histories of our menstruation, our sexuality, our passion, our creations, our birthings, our losses, our mothering, our matrilineal inheritances.  The wounds we have endured related to these aspects of our being are held here too, and they need to be witnessed, held, seen, loved, blessed and integrated to be shapeshifted into power and love.

At this particular time, the womb is an untapped and heavily veiled aspect of creation. It’s my belief and the belief of many mystery traditions such as the Gnostics, Hindus, the Grail Mysteries, and many Indigenous cultures, that the womb holds the very seat of life, creativity/creation. She, the womb, is the seat of a woman’s power and she is every woman’s connection to the Divine Feminine energy as She incarnates into this world. Reclaiming relationship with this throne of our female beings is essential in reclaiming our connection to the Earth, the ancestors, our own power and creativity, and to the Great Goddess herself.

Time lasts 1-3 hours, offered on pay what you can model.