Welcome! It is my great honor to offer my medicine basket out to the web of life, and to carry across time the seeds I’ve been blessed to collect. As a dedicated devotee of Herbs, Dreams, Wombs and Mother Earth, I have crafted a life centered around feeding and sharing these devotions.
I am a teacher, author, herbalist, dream-worker and ceremonialist. I write books (first book is out, second is one on the way!), teach classes, host ceremonies and provide healing services from the the forest in the dreamy Olympic Mountains of Washington state.
My life is fueled by a prayer to benefit all of life, and it is my great pleasure to share what I’ve been blessed to learn and pickup along the way.
I warmly welcome new clients online or in-person for dreamwork, healing and herbal consultations. New folks are always welcome to attend my in-person or online classes.
May beauty infuse your every step, and may the weavings from your dreams serve the Great Dream on behalf of all life.
-Lauren Morgan

Classes + Events
Held both online and around the Olympic Peninsula, classes focus on Folk Herbalism, Dream Working-Walking, Womb Mysteries and Earth-Reconnection.
Private Teachings
Individuals and private small groups to deepen studies of: folk herbalism, dreaming, womb mysteries, women's healing and ceremony, Earth-reconnection, running a practice and more...
Interpretation, integration and weaving of nighttime dreams and daytime dreams (visions, journeys and inner travels).
Women's Healing
With a specialty in women’s healing, my medicine basket includes plant medicines, shamanic methods, journey work, womb tending and healing, blessing and prayer, drumming and song.
Seasonal Herbalism:
A Beginner’s Path to Medicine-Making and Dreaming with Mother Earth
Is there a longing in your bones to know, love, and make medicine from plants? Seasonal Herbalism provides an accessible entry into the magical world of home herbcraft, restoring our ability to walk in alliance with the plants to bring healing to our people. Readers will embark upon a lifetime of relationship with the plants, the seasons, and belonging to the Dream of Mother Earth herself.