Get Ready for Spring Seasonal Herbalism

== Thursday FEB 20th from 6-8pm ==

@ Kindred Collective in downtown Port Angeles

Beginners welcome!

Is this the year for you to embark or deepen on the path of local folk herbal medicine? Join author and herbalist Lauren Morgan to dive into the herbalism of spring on the Oly Pen! In this empowering info-packed class we will cover...

* Wild plants for spring foraging : Stinging Nettle, Cleavers, Chickweed, Mugwort, Plantain, Raspberry leaf and more.

* Basic wildcrafting tools, techniques and ethics.

* Folk medicine making methods to empower you to create your own herbal remedies like loose teas, tinctures, vinegars, salves and more. 

* The energies of spring - what is happening in nature, to the plants and to human bodies and spirits.

* Plans for starting your home apothecary garden this year including resources on seeds, starts, cuttings and plans.

* How to embark on a lifetime of seasonal herbalism!

REGISTER by submitting payment via Paypal here. Confirmation and further details will be sent with registration.